Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEAP YEAR DAY ? February 29th

Glad I wasn't born today or I would be young and foolish.....

Officially applied to change my Facebook name from Sparky Smith to my real name.

Happy Spring.....I am hoping.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Winter Time .....I am not complainin'

Almost Valentines day!  We are enjoying the mild winter.  Made one snowman.  Kids back in school and fun to have T & Kyle here to visit often!

K got a job here in Pleasant View and is waiting to hear from BYU.  We think he will either head to Provo or back to school in Logan when he gets the $$ to fun the school adventure.

N is a Sr. and we are not sure what lies ahead for him.  He is making some great progress and maturing.  Turned 18 at the first of the year, but we are thinking he will always be our Youngest!

C is a busy talented Young Lady.  Terrific at everything she puts her heart into, lately it is Volleyball.  She is a great example of Kindness.

S-me.  On my third reading of the BOM in less than a year.  Being in YW does that.  Happy to be home and enjoying the blessing we have.  I thank the Lord every day for my wonderful Husband and Kids.  I feel very blessed.  Life is great!

We are enjoying our Toads passes and Lazer Taggin' is great fun.  Grandma K rides the go cart in January 2012 :0)

Happy Heart Day to YOU ALL!!!!!!!