We have had a great week
D is hoping the painters will show and get the apartment done. Going to celebrate another birthday. Has all the carpet out of the apartment. Was the Escort for K on Saturday. Haircut looks great.
S was gone for 3 days to Provo W conference with her sister L. What a great time, met a new friend, visited with Uncle J and Aunt L and G on the way home. Still working on the May wood craft...hurry this Friday. Adjusting to a full house now...all six of us home. Cooking the last of the Mormon Muffins for breakfast.
T done with school and working at the Pool. She took N and C to Toads on Friday night and met her cousin J on her first date. So much fun. She brought so much stuff home and has filled the hallway, her room and many other places.....
K done with School on Friday. Took after his Dad and missed a final. Moved a few baskets of stuff back home from G & G. Takes the longest showers in the family. Went through the Ogden temple on Saturday. Good to have family there in support. Will talk in Church on July 12th.... MTC in 71 Days.
N loved the go carts at toads. Keeps us on our toes. IEP at school on Wednesday to get ready for WHS. He also got a haircut. Wounds slowly healing from bike crash. Has been better about getting on the bus.
C done with gym. Doing well with Piano. Also loved toads. Likes to ask for "tires" in her sleep, silly girl. Doing her report on NC and has a box of travel guides.