We had a busy week and weekend. after we got K off to the MTC on Wednesday, the sewer backed up downstairs and we had to have the plumber come drill out the mail line to the road. We spent a day at Bear Lake. The lake is full and the beaches few. We also managed to down 2 Old Ephraim Pizzas, with a lot of help. Elder Black's farewell on Sunday filled the day. We did get in a good Nap at Moms on Sunday before the fireworks at WSU that night.
We have emailed E Parkinson(K) and sent a letter in the regular mail, but have not heard from him. I assume his p-day is today or tomorrow.
D busy back at work.
S took Primary kids to Oquirrh Mountain Temple open House. It was an all day trip......
T working and needs to take better care of herself. Too much stress...
K needs to write home ASAP
N is busy again with computer and movies. Softball practice is warm..
C getting excited for school to start.
The garden is growing and looks like a good year for berries.