D-Testing with UL at work keeps his stress level too hight. Under the weather too...
S-Was pretty emotional at the end of K last live email from the MTC. Now she has to think 2weeks -2 months in advance for him. Lost her voice... but hopes to get it back soon.
T-Had Strep last week.... doing better. Busy in School and with K . What a pair.
K- getting so excited to leave for Ukraine. Next Tues. 20 hrs in a plane should be interesting. He is ready for the next chapter in this adventure.
N- Homecoming week at WHS. Mid-terms and PTC. Got his WEBER hoodie...Now what?
C-Making new friends. A week off from Piano.Getting Faith in God done, will graduate from Primary in 3 weeks.
Garden slowing down. Peach Pie filling was a group effort. Stream in ditch is back again. Cleaned the Garages and getting the Boiling Bucket ready to fill.