Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Raining Again.......What do you hang on the front door for rainy season????

D- Finished the Ogden Marathon...26.2 Miles on foot  .Wow.. He is much more determined than me.  Planted the veggies and flowers just before the rain came.  Thinking the Bike will come out of Retirement next.

S- Working with new Family Search for temple names.  Wishes our bodies would not get old and ache. Helped Tiff clean and till the yard at the new apartment...Now her body says..."you aren't as young as you think".

T- Out of School !! Happy Days ahead. Wedding Invites are mailed. Moved stuff a couple of blocks away to their apartment.  Planting and gardening in boxes til she can put them at the new place. Had  a Sleep over at the new place with N and C before K moves in for real.

K- Sickness and Zone Conference.  Started to open his birthday box, but noticed the wrapped packages had been unwrapped by the Post office.  Makes Mom wonder what is getting there.....and what is being confiscated.

N- Done with Track.  Back to riding the bus home.  Looking forward to Lagoon on Thurs. and a choir concert. Baptisms in Logan Temple on Wed.

C- Writing Speech for 6th grade Honors Day.  No more Gym. Back to jumping on the Tramp when it's not raining. Baptisms in Logan temple on Wed.

So life keeps happening.  We are very blessed..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tiff USU Grad, Mother's Day, Skype from Kenny,

D-Fine tuning for the Ogden Marathon this Saturday. Studying the B of M in Korean.  Track and Scouts with Nate.

S-Waiting for the Rain to stop and the sun to shine. Working on Family Search. Great Mother's day wonderful, thoughtful Gifts. Plants waiting in Garage to be put outside.

T-Wore Mom's cap and Gown for USU grad. Wedding plans full speed ahead. Training for North Shore.

K-Yevpat dweller. Cooking and cleaning. Long Skype on Monday. Upbeat attitude and knows where he should be. Obedience is the KEY.

N- Last Track meet today, if the rain stops.  Loves USU t-shirts. Treadmill and Track practice with Dad. Scout merit Badges.

C- Piano talent show song. Glad to be done with gym. Doing Report on Ukriane.

ALL is Well.......

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May is here...waiting for the weather to catch up

D-training for the Ogden marathon on the 15th.  Busy helping Nate with Track and Merit Badges. Has his projects done for the wedding.

S-Not as dedicated to blogging for family and Kenny.  Enjoyed filling her bucket at Women's conference even with snow and rain.

T- Institute Graduation Saturday May 1st, Car repaired and back together after getting backed into in Logan, USU graduation May 8th, Showers and Wedding on June 3rd.

K- Transfer to Yevpatoria in the Crimea.  Learning to cook.  Has his birthday package.  Doing great

N- Track shot, discus, and once around for the 800.....Lots of work for Dad. Soccer on Thurs. Merit badges and YM. Enjoyed Kids day.

C-3rd on tramp at State in Heber for Power Tumbling. Hates early morning piano. Loves school. Becoming a lovely YW.

Life is busy and other than old age aches and pains....we are all healthy and happy.  Enjoy the SPRING.