Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May is here...waiting for the weather to catch up

D-training for the Ogden marathon on the 15th.  Busy helping Nate with Track and Merit Badges. Has his projects done for the wedding.

S-Not as dedicated to blogging for family and Kenny.  Enjoyed filling her bucket at Women's conference even with snow and rain.

T- Institute Graduation Saturday May 1st, Car repaired and back together after getting backed into in Logan, USU graduation May 8th, Showers and Wedding on June 3rd.

K- Transfer to Yevpatoria in the Crimea.  Learning to cook.  Has his birthday package.  Doing great

N- Track shot, discus, and once around for the 800.....Lots of work for Dad. Soccer on Thurs. Merit badges and YM. Enjoyed Kids day.

C-3rd on tramp at State in Heber for Power Tumbling. Hates early morning piano. Loves school. Becoming a lovely YW.

Life is busy and other than old age aches and pains....we are all healthy and happy.  Enjoy the SPRING.